Handbuilding I

Handbuilding I Class – Fall 2023 – City College San Diego

Project 9: Shard and Response

Working Solid Project – the tail is solid worked, cut open into 4 pieces to carve out and then closed again (the tail is 10″ long).

The Big Beads body is a collection of handbuild beads and small thrown vessels with an assembled strand length of 74″, not counting head & tail.

Rhodian – The Cantina Bead Trader (Projects 6, 7, 8)

This is a combination of 3 projects: 1) Star Wars Cantina Character, 2) Working Solid and 3) Big Beads strand.

2 pinch pots are combined for the Cantina Character head and hands & feet are hand formed.

Project 5: Abstraction from Nature (Tidepools)

Project 4: Set – Inspired by the News (Stock Market)

Set of 2 objects, using a combination of different techniques – thrown slab and pinching.

Project 3: Geodesic Form

8-sided triangular slab form with lid

Project 2: Coil Organic Vessel (before and after reduction firing)

Project 1: Pinched Tea Bowls

Additional work:

Thrown flat bowls

Vessels & Bowls


Miscellaneous progress pictures

Cantina Bead Trader Details: